07 October 2010

My World in A Journey

World in contemporary portrait without limit ...,
          always drove with all the power available to it.
Accompanied breath residents who knew everything and shameless ..,
          toward the palace sparkle noble ideals
It seemed beautiful in the eyes of his admirers
Once lit by supporters
Until not the slightest crossed her mind about ..
          lamentation, and weeping bitterly.

All hope is in his heart, is a bit of his picture of travel.
Tomorrow should be better and peaceful than today
The future must be better than the past
Its beauty, friendliness and comfort are very missed.
World face a clean, healthy environment and beautiful ...
and man in harmony with nature.
Life for joint ...
Living for the sake of others ...
And life for the betterment of all mankind.

My world ..., do not you weep
My world ..., do not you be sad too
My world ..., do not you weep bitterly
Coming tomorrow your day with a handful of hope with me
Together in the joy of climbing the road to success
Cohesive one set hearts and minds for the future


  1. Itulah dunia yang serba fana. Semua hal bisa terjadi pada siapa pun juga. Tak terkecuali kita, manusia. Hanya dengan kearifan & kebijaksanaan lah dunia dapat kita kelola lebih baik buat sesama. hehehe

  2. Dunia penuh peristiwa yg tdk terduga. Maka berhati-hatilah mensikapinya.
